Second chance at life for car crush survivor

FIRST ON 7: A woman given a second chance at life is promising to achieve something amazing.

Sarina Heta miraculously survived yesterday when her small car was crushed between two semi trailers in the Blue Mountains.

She says she thought her time had come.

Sandwiched between two semis, her tiny hatchback was so badly crushed it looked like a death trap.

"Loud bang, no break noise just explosion like a car getting really squashed," one witness said.

But just a day later the woman behind the wheel is laughing and joking about her close call.

"Very, very lucky. Who would have thought my little kia could do that," Ms Heta laughed.

She was driving the car from Sydney to Orange, when the truck in front suddenly stopped.

Sarina glanced in the rear vision mirror, and saw a second semi about to crush her hatchback.

"I remember just taking a big breath and taking the steering wheel and staring loud and actually thinking it was over for me," Sarina said.

"I was a lucky girl that day with a group of angels looking over me."

Sarina Heta miraculously survived yesterday when her small car was crushed between two semi trailers in the Blue Mountains. Photo: 7News
Sarina Heta miraculously survived yesterday when her small car was crushed between two semi trailers in the Blue Mountains. Photo: 7News

She also remembers people coming to help with support, fire extinguishers, and medical assistance.

Sarina remarkably has only a fractured breast bone and sore ribs.

For a crash that could easily have cost her life, a short stint in hospital is a small price to pay. And it will be a short stint, Sarina has plans to check out later tonight.

"I just keep thinking, I must have done something good, or I have to do something amazing now I have another chance," Ms Heta said.