54 Low-Key Horrifying Photos Of What It's Like To Go To School In The US That Have Me Realllll Concerned About The State Of Education In This Country

Trump has repeatedly indicated plans to close the US Department of Education, which, among other things, provides college grants and money to schools with low-income students, manages financial aid, protects students against discrimination, funds programs for kids with disabilities, and requires schools provide data on student and teacher performance so that they remain at a high level.

Person in suit with a red "America Again" cap looks upwards, outdoors. Wearing a tie with an American flag pin on their lapel
Brandon Bell / Getty Images

While eliminating the Department won't necessarily mean all of these things will go away — individual states and other agencies may take up the mantle — these rights would fall into question. Experts have predicted that it would particularly worsen already dire teacher shortages and disadvantage low-income and disabled students.

  Greggory Disalvo / Getty Images
Greggory Disalvo / Getty Images

Oh, but don't worry — Trump has suggested creating a Cabinet position to oversee education! And we've all seen how well his Cabinet picks have gone thus far. RFK Jr., in particular, poses a massive threat to US Health — which is inextricably tied to education, especially when it comes to vaccine requirements for students.

Two men in suits shake hands on a stage, with a large crowd in the background

This could all cause some massive, massive problems when it comes to US schools, which are already hugely struggling with issues small and large. In case you're curious about what schools in America look like now — and would like to picture them getting even worse — here are some photos to demonstrate.


And before you say, "But all these photos are of schools under Biden," I know. Education is already a massive public crisis in America. Risking funding can only make it worse.

1.Don't worry about the teacher shortage — the teachers we've got are all so great and encouraging!

Notebook page with personal goals and aspirations. Hopes include gymnastics and becoming a perfect gymnast. Significant people listed: "Mom," "Dad," "Brother."
u/Careful-Total-3216 / Via reddit.com

2.We DEFINITELY shouldn't be encouraging better teachers (and for teachers to attend more schooling) by increasing pay rates.

Newsletter with spelling and grammar errors; advises sending coats daily and mentions recess policy and December sign-up

3.Better-educated teachers? Who needs them?

Math worksheet showing corrected work: 3x4=12 is explained as 4+4+4=12 with red pen corrections
u/RishiLyn / Via reddit.com

4.In fact, don't worry about the teacher shortage at all. Just have students teach!

Text message exchange about a school class being covered by a junior student instead of a substitute teacher
u/TaylorDeanMatthew / Via reddit.com

5.Welcome to America, where you may just have to pee in your pants.

Summary of text: Bathroom ticket policy gives three tickets per month, requires permission, and tracks time out. Tickets are non-transferable and don't roll over

6.Don't worry; you can just use the bathroom between periods or during lunch! Oh wait...

Bathroom door with a sign reading "Do Not Use" and visible toilets inside
u/MadCharlie77 / Via reddit.com

7.Technology sure is improving education. Sure, students can cheat with ChatGPT, but programs can easily detect that! (This is sarcastic. These programs are notoriously unreliable.)

Screen showing AI-generated text analysis: 100% AI-generated, 0% paraphrased or human-written. Suggests using a paraphraser tool
u/ChazandGame / Via reddit.com

8.Teachers are always held to the same standard as students — they'd never be allowed to use ChatGPT!

A person holds a paper with notes about improving a scene's engagement and pacing in performances, including a reminder about AI decision-making
u/Theaterkid01 / Via reddit.com

9.There's never any hypocrisy when it comes to teachers!

Computer screen notification reads: "Comment: Pls use proper English."
u/schyiirieviez / Via reddit.com

10.Technology makes teachers' jobs easier by correctly grading homework and tests!

Screen showing a message indicating an incorrect answer, with both answers displayed as "e, d, s, l, b."
u/reesbb525 / Via reddit.com

11.Expensive, easily-broken equipment obviously makes learning better!

A laptop screen with a bright glare and reflections, making the display content difficult to see. The device is on a bed with checkered bedding
u/Quokkanox / Via reddit.com

12.Privacy concerns? Who needs 'em?

Warning: Installing this profile allows remote iPhone management. Administrator can access, install, manage apps, and erase data
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

13.It's so great that students now have their private browser activity monitored.

Laptop screen displaying a browser with details about the "Hapara Highlights Extension," including its size and permissions
u/Banditbakura / Via reddit.com

14.This is definitely not giving 1984 — which, BTW, will probably be banned.

Map with several red markers indicating specific locations within a neighborhood
u/SinisterVeteran / Via reddit.com

15.Blocking websites on kids' devices is soooo important! Especially dangerous ones like TedTalk's website.

Access denied message for TED Talks website, categorized as streaming media; school requests research and viewing despite block
u/bradbrazer / Via reddit.com

16.This text pretty perfectly encapsulates going to school in America.

Screenshot of a text exchange expressing concern about a school shooting threat
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

17.America won't ban assault rifles, but they'll keep your kids safe by...not allowing them to have backpacks. Because that makes sense!

Summary of text: The school will resume regular bag policy from October 7th, barring backpacks during school hours. Only small purses are allowed
u/The_big_cheese_1o3s / Via reddit.com

18.Or you could always just have the school check each and every bag, which is a great use of time!

A large group of people stand in a line outdoors near a brick building on a grass field
u/deadpoolplayz14 / Via reddit.com

19.This is the future conservatives want.

The image shows censored anatomy slides labeled "Reproductive," with a text overlay criticizing censorship in a human anatomy class
u/wow-how-original / Via reddit.com

20.As is this.

Form detailing an Abstinence Education Program for grades 6-8, including objectives and requirements for parent/guardian signature
u/FlamingWeasel / Via reddit.com

21.And this.

Screenshot of a Reddit post discussing a school's controversial policy to inspect students' underwear before a homecoming event
NinjaMorty420 / Via reddit.com

22.I can't *wait* for kids to only be allowed to read books for class if words are censored out!

Page from "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck, featuring dialogue about a stable buck and a boss
u/raymanku23 / Via reddit.com

23.This will NEVER happen under RFK!

Bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos with a small hole, placed on a wooden bench surrounded by grass and leaves
u/TheBigWedgeOfCheese / Via reddit.com

24.When he gets rid of vaccines and deems every health emergency a hoax, we'll all be so much healthier! Kids definitely won't be forced to stay in school sick!

A rapid test showing two lines next to "C" and "T", indicating a positive result
u/Cobbler_Super / Via reddit.com

25.If masks ever do make a comeback in schools, I'm certain schools would follow safety guidelines.

Face mask with a hole near the mouth area; person holds a trumpet, indicating the hole is for playing the instrument
u/Ben_NienRED / Via reddit.com

26.This is *definitely* enough food for a high school linebacker.

School lunch tray with mac and cheese, French fries with ketchup, chocolate milk, and a bag of baby carrots
u/Thebiggestbot22 / Via reddit.com

27.This isn't even enough to be considered Girl Dinner.

Snack tray with sunflower seed butter, baby carrots, string cheese, and a box of raisins
u/Mingey_FringeBiscuit / Via reddit.com

28.And I'm not even sure this could be considered food.

A slice of toasted bread with partially melted cheese on a red tray
u/Tact1calTicTac / Via reddit.com

29.At least the schools above still provide lunch.

Announcement: Starting November 1, 2022, high schoolers can't charge for lunch in the NC cafeteria; lack of funds results in tray disposal
u/neko2314 / Via reddit.com

30.I bet gender and self-expression will be even more open and free under Trump!

School's policy reminder: Male students can't wear earrings. Please ensure your son follows this rule. Thank you for your cooperation
u/kells_17 / Via reddit.com

31.Teachers sure are appreciated in today's day and age!

Flyer for a potato-themed birthday party on September 26th, inviting guests to bring baked potatoes and fixings to share. Plates supplied
u/mackthesquirel / Via reddit.com

32.And they're never fired for silly reasons.

A letter from a high school informing parents of a change in their child's geometry teacher due to a recent resignation, effective October 25, 2023
u/TableMastery / Via reddit.com

33.I'm sure glad we don't have overpopulated, underfunded schools.

Crowd of students walking through a school hallway, holding signs. Bright natural light enters through large windows
u/Alarmed-Option422 / Via reddit.com

34.It's so creative and fun that students don't even have chairs to sit in!

Classroom scene with students seated at desks, one person sitting on the floor with a green backpack
u/MerelYael / Via reddit.com

35.Teachers don't get fair pay, but they do get a single Kool-Aid pack!

Hand holding a Kool-Aid packet with a note saying, "You're so 'KOOL', You deserve to 'tie' one on. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!"
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

36.Our kids are receiving such a great education.

Worksheet exercises for the letter N: identify and circle items starting with N. Includes drawings and handwriting practice for uppercase and lowercase N
u/D_K_8_8 / Via reddit.com

37.OPEN THE SCHOOLS!!! But maybe not this one.

Illustrated world map for educational purposes, labeling continents and oceans
u/joecosmos / Via reddit.com

38.Kids today are learning such accurate geography!

Map of North America highlighting the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Greenland with state borders marked
u/Heart_Thepog / Via reddit.com

39.They're learning great fitness techniques — and from home, too!

Laptop displaying a workout video on a table with various items, including a water bottle and bowl
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

40.Gen Alpha is going to be SO much better off than us.

List of banned words and phrases, including slang and gestures, displayed on classroom posters
u/abuzar_sid / Via reddit.com

41.Isn't it so great that teachers have to pay for supplies out of pocket, and hope to receive gifts from the school or parents?

Collection of school supplies including glue, erasers, dry-erase markers, pencils, highlighters, and a pen arranged on a table
u/NoButThanksAnyway / Via reddit.com

42.Isn't it sooooo great how affordable college is?

Hand holding Algonquin College "Instrumentation" booklets with a cover image of a modern building
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

43.I love how we really trust our students, y'know?

A middle school hall pass sheet with four sections, detailing permission to leave class, bathroom use, and guidelines for student behavior
u/THExROYALxRHINO / Via reddit.com

44.We'd never punish them for silly or meaningless things.

Notebook page with math equations, handwritten "Staple Fail" message circled near a misaligned staple
u/hellokittygurlll / Via reddit.com

45.I'm so glad we still use lines to punish kids. I'm sure it's effective!

Handwritten list of numbers 1-100, with notes "strr" and "ith" next to each number
u/h4y14y6 / Via reddit.com

46.I especially think it's great to make 7-year-olds write lines for things their parents are responsible for.

  u/Illustrious-Laugh795 / Via reddit.com
u/Illustrious-Laugh795 / Via reddit.com

47.Schools have become a microcosm of capitalism, apparently.

Note reminding about unpurchased yearbooks; 125 books available at ASB office, Room 183, for $85, first come, first served
thehighguy9 / Via reddit.com

48.It's beautiful how we charge students so much just to learn.

Parking rates: $4/1 hr, $2/0.5 hr, $6/1.5 hrs, $8/2 hrs, $16/4 hrs, $32/8 hrs. Comment notes high cost for long classes
u/kikioman169 / Via reddit.com

49.Ah, Texas. I'm not surprised this is you.

Summary of text on screen: Bonus offer involves downloading and reviewing two Kindle books for extra credit. Steps include completion and proof submission
Yosho2k / Via reddit.com

50.In our capitalistic society, we might as well use required education tools to advertise!

Coupon card offering a free regular size dessert with purchase of any Extra Value Meal at McDonald's. Expires June 1, 2013
u/KarmaTornado / Via reddit.com

51.If anyone was *actually* worried about bathroom comfort and safety, maybe they should tackle something like this instead of completely made-up concerns about trans kids.

Three urinals with flush valves are mounted on a tiled wall in a public restroom
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

52.Arbitrary gender norms definitely aren't screwing with the system!

Summary of text exchange about a school's contact policy, discussing updates on ensuring both parents receive school communications
u/Tiberius_Jim / Via reddit.com

53.I'm sure glad that schools don't let women show their shoulders. And they're always just as diligent about guys!

A person in a gym stands wearing a colorful graphic hoodie and jeans. Others in the background are seated on bleachers
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

54.And finally, I'm SO glad we're keeping politics, graphic photos, misinformation, and propaganda out of our schools!

Artistic depiction of bloodied hands over fetuses and coins, with text about oppression and taking lives in the U.S. culture
u/Wolffire_88 / Via reddit.com