7News exclusive: 'Death drug' to be imported to Australia

Controversial euthanasia campaigner Dr Philip Nitschke claims he has found a legal loophole, to import a drug used in assisted suicides.

7News revealed he plans to order Nembutal for six terminally-ill patients who are desperate to avoid suffering in their dying days.

Don and Iris Flounders, who ended their lives due to terminal illness in May, had to travel to Mexico to secure the euthanasia drug.

Three years earlier, 7News had revealed their journey to buy the drug banned in Australia. Even in their dying moments they were campaigners for change to euthanasia laws.

Eighty-one-year-old Don Flounders says terminal disease meant life was no longer worth living in his last recorded statement, moments before his death.

"It's my life, it's my free will, don't tell me I can't die."

To see their video in full, click here. WARNING: This content of this video may disturb some people.

It was a decision he and his wife took together, even though she was not ill.

They learned how from Dr Philip Nitschke.

At the time, Dr Philip Nitschke, an Exit International Euthanasia campaigner, said: "Many people don't have the ability to get on a plane and fly to Mexico. If they get someone else to do it for them, that person can be looking at 14 years in jail."

Now, Dr Philip Nitschkie wants to save Australians the trauma of having to illegally smuggle Nembutal into the country.

He has discovered it can be imported legally, if a doctor applies to the Therapeutic Goods Administration with an acceptable medical reason.

“I’ll be quite open about what I’m doing. There is provision in the legislation for this import process,” Dr Nitschkie said.

A new government notice claims it's illegal to import, unless reasonably prescribed.

“I’ll prescribe it as a sedative, what they do is up to them."

"Of course if they want to misuse it, I suppose they would peacefully end their lives - but of course they'll be advised about it and that's not the reason we're going down this path."

He is currently making the application on behalf of six people across Australia with a range of terminal illnesses.

But Right to Life campaigners say Dr Nitschke should be stopped.

Margaret Tighe, from Right to Life Australia, believes “it is not appropriate for doctors to be taking steps to end the lives of others”.

Dr Nitschke counters that the right to control one’s death is as fundamental as the right to control one’s life.