Drive-by warning saves woman's life

Stoneville resident Lynn Armington owes her life to Robyn Green.

Mrs Armington was standing in the driveway of her Matthews Way home on Sunday afternoon when the wind changed and flames came perilously close to her.

Ms Green, of Mundaring, had been helping friend Julie Champ prepare to evacuate her Stoneville home, a few doors down from Mrs Armington, when she decided to do a last-minute sweep of the street.

"As we were preparing to leave I thought, 'I wonder if the neighbours know what is happening', so I jumped in the car sounding the horn up and down the street to warn people," Ms Green said.

"I saw a lady standing in her driveway. Everything was fine then the fire suddenly roared and I thought, 'She's not going to get out'. I drove the car in and she jumped in and we drove away.

"She had flames around her and got burnt on her arms and face."

Mrs Armington had just driven her blind and paraplegic husband Tom to safety and was returning home to retrieve her cat and dog.

"When I realised what was happening I couldn't see the keys because of the smoke," she said. "I had to run through the flames to get out.

"I saw Robyn and I jumped in the car and off we went.

"When you have someone who is disabled, you have to allow extra time, which I thought I did - it all happened so fast."

Mrs Armington's home was destroyed by the fire, as were seven other homes in her street. She was unable to rescue her cat and dog.