Perth VC hero's boots too big to fill

The Australian War Memorial has put on show the combat uniform Cpl Ben Roberts-Smith was wearing in Afghanistan in 2010, when he took the action that earned him the Victoria Cross.

But museum curators, normally sticklers for exactness, admit what has been put on display is not entirely historically accurate.

Memorial director Brendan Nelson yesterday unveiled a new exhibit of pieces of equipment worn by Afghan war VC winners Cpl Roberts-Smith and Cpl Daniel Keighran.

Included is a new multi-media portrait of VC recipient Cpl Mark Donaldson.

Dominating the display is the king-size camouflage uniform - with ammunition pouches and webbing - worn by Cpl Roberts-Smith when he stormed two Taliban machinegun nests.

But missing are the cheap Brooks running shoes he wore in the action.

The sneakers were left splattered in blood and were seized by quarantine officials when the soldier returned home.

Instead, the uniform is displayed with a clean pair of regulation issue combat boots.