Pregnant women urged to avoid junk food

Expectant mothers are being urged to steer clear of high fat and sugary foods or risk their child being born a junk food addict.

South Australian researchers have found women who over-indulge during pregnancy are more likely to deliver kids with unhealthy cravings.

“They’re going to be much more likely to over eat, to get more and more addicted as they go on, and therefore be at risk of obesity,” researcher Dr Bev Muhlhausler told 7News.

Adelaide University researchers tested the theory in a two-year study using rats.

Those fed on foods high in fat and sugar produced pups that also preferred junk when given the choice.

Scientists believe it stems from junk food stimulating the body’s reward response system – making you feel good.

But too much of a good thing can result in needing more of it to feel the same high.

“Junk food is made of fat and sugar, and fat and sugar act like drugs,” Dr Muhlhausler said.

The researchers have not suggested women cut out junk food altogether during pregnancy, but that women should stick to the guidelines of a normal balance diet.

They said while the negative effects of eating junk food during pregnancy can be reversed with a healthy diet, it was likely those children would always struggle with weight.