Wi-Fi health risks?

Wi-Fi has revolutionised the way we work, learn and live.

While the radiation waves it emits are very low, some scientists fear it is damaging our health, and we will not know the full effects for generations to come.

And they now want government standards reviewed before it is too late.


James McCaughan is a former physics lecturer, and he believes he developed Wi-Fi sensitivity after constant exposure from smart phones in lecture rooms.

"I'd say it's like sunburn,” he said.

“Some people have got fair skin and they're very sensitive to sunburn and you come out of the sun and your skin is still radiating and I think it's like that your brain once it's been sensitized is just burning.

"I knew I couldn't go back in that room again so I just said look I can't continue teaching, please accept my resignation"

Wi-Fi is almost impossible to avoid.

A former NASA scientist mapped transmission waves across Washington DC. The city is immersed.

The concern is that Wi-Fi emits low levels of radiation similar to mobile phones.

Australian Wi-Fi safety guidelines were last updated ten years ago, well before smart phones, tablets and the rollout of wireless internet in schools. Because the technology is so new even the government admits it cannot be 100 per cent sure there are no long term health risks, particularly for children.

Many schools use industrial Wi-Fi, which transmits at the same level as a phone tower.

In France and England, some schools have switched to wired internet because of safety concerns.