Killer Ibrahim granted parole hearing

Convicted killer Michael Ibrahim could soon be released from jail after he was granted another chance at parole.

He was denied freedom at a hearing on April 3 but this was quashed in the NSW Supreme Court on Tuesday morning.

The court heard that Ibrahim, who has served more than his minimum six-year term for the manslaughter of Robin Nassour, was not provided with documents used against him in the hearing.

"The oversight caused the accused to be deprived of procedural fairness," Justice Richard Button said.

Justice Button further ordered the State Parole Authority to pay Ibrahim's $17,997 costs.

The authority will now schedule a new hearing for the youngest member of the notorious Ibrahim family.

During a hearing last August, he told the parole board he wanted to move on with his life, wouldn't break the law if released from jail and would abide by the "most stringent" parole conditions.

Being behind bars while his mother was treated for cancer was a "wake up call", he told the board.