
Driver hits car, building in world's worst parking effort

There are bad parking jobs and there are parking jobs so bad you wonder how the driver ever found the door handle in the first place.

The driver of a yellow Fiat in Bo’ness, Scotland, could expect a call from police after a parallel parking effort went so badly wrong the vehicle smashed into another parked car, and even a building.

The mission was doomed to fail from the start. The driver gets their line all wrong and then, about halfway through the maneuvre, inexplicably forgets what the steering wheel does.

Frustrated or confused – it’s hard to tell which from the video – the motorist then appears to ram it into reverse and stomp on the accelerator, which is where things go really bad.

Eventually, good sense prevails and they take a new angle and manage to get the tiny car into the huge spot with comparatively few problems.

The incident was caught on a CCTV camera belonging to a friend of Walter Cunningham, whose other claim to fame is owning the black Ford Fiesta which got poleaxed by the yellow Fiat.

The 59-year-old told The Telegraph he did not see the funny side of the laughable parking predicament.

"It was awful seeing him ruin my motor like that, especially as I could do nothing to prevent it," he said.

Inattentive, and just down right dangerous, driving has become an ever more visible problem in the age of CCTV cameras, GoPros and smart phones. Before they came along we had to wonder if anyone had ever tried to jump a bridge.

Nor did we know quite how fraught the relationship between motorists and cyclists had become.

The dangers of drink driving are well known, but this video of an intoxicated driver leaving a bar and crashing directly into oncoming traffic brings makes the risk starkly real.

Dashcams reveal some crazy behaviour, but sometimes they highlight brilliant driving. As this motorist saw a pileup materialise out of the haze, his attentiveness and coolness under pressure made him one of the few to leave the 40 vehicle collision unscathed.

Cars, bicycles and roads have long had a reputation for revealing the worst aspects of human behaviour though, to which this loud and nearly violent confrontation testifies.