Here's Clippers owner Steve Ballmer totally losing it while dancing to Fergie

Here's Clippers owner Steve Ballmer totally losing it while dancing to Fergie

If you're anything like me, you woke up this morning thinking, "You know, it's been a lit-tle bit too long since I've seen Los Angeles Clippers owner Steve Ballmer do something gleefully manical."

Well, luckily, the Clippers matchup with the in-house rival Los Angeles Lakers featured a performance by noted Black Eyed Pea Fergie between the first and second quarters — for, y'know, reasons — which afforded the former Microsoft CEO and famed exploder an opportunity to show us just what kind of moves "eff you" money really buys. Because when you spend $2 billion — with a b — on something, you get to have as much fun with it as you want, in whatever way you want. Them's the rules.

Nobody has ever believed anything as fervently as Steve Ballmer believed he was crushing it during that Fergie song. Sure, Los Angeles might host a nightly parade of the deluded, as David Cross once joked in an NSFW stand-up bit, but it can still be a pretty entertaining parade ... especially when the participants elect to shake it so, so violently.

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