
Friendly seal jumps onto surfer's board

Two surfers in the UK have managed to film their amazing encounter with a baby seal.

In the midst of their morning surf off the coast of Northumberland, Matt Stanley and Andrew Flounders were interrupted by the friendly animal, who climbed right up onto Stanley’s board.

The seal tries multiple times to stay on the board and surf with his new friends, but adorably slips and slides off into the ocean.

Stanley captured all the action on a wrist-mounted GoPro.

They played with the seal for almost an hour, Stanley told BBC.

"I've never seen a seal that close up, never mind one sitting on a board," he said.

"When we left it followed us, but the waves were not too bad so we went back in."

Mr Stanley said they contacted local marine wildlife authorities "in case the seal was unwell."

"He didn't seem unwell when he was surfing in like a pro."

Interactions with seals are extremely rare in the wild and people are often warned not to touch them for fear of being bitten.

This friendly guy certainly didn’t seem too dangerous though.