People who tried, but failed horribly at gym

Sometimes gym is not a happy place...

Do you even gym?

If you’ve ever tried any form of exercise you’ll know how easy it can be to stuff it up or just look plain stupid.

And as this guy found out the hard way, be publicly humiliated for it too.

Efforts to keep fit and look our best can often end in disaster and if you’ve ever had an embarrassing moment at the gym you’ll know just how hard it can be to return again the next day.

As the saying goes – if you fall off the bike, get back on, but we’ve found a few people who may not be so eager to keep up their gym routine anymore.

1. Always follow the labels
This man made the questionable decision to use a machine geared for arm exercises to work out his...back...neck...maybe his head? Either way it looks painful.
2. Do not try to gym at home without proper equipment
This guy learnt the hard way that you should always use proper equipment while doing exercises. Note: A door, a bed and a ladder does not count as proper equipment.
3. Regular sit-ups are clearly for lightweights
And also really sensible people. Don’t try to be too hardcore guys.
4. When you try to pop a squat but get a fail
No, he did not mean to do that...
5 . You CAN get hurt doing Pilates
Pilates may not seem hardcore but if you don’t do it properly it can end in disaster.
6. Weightlifting man can't even lift
When you try to weight lift but get knocked out.