Discount store war ends in bitter public spat

A discount store owner who was caught on camera spitting on his rival’s shop window, has since apologised.

The bitter feud was sparked when the Riccardi family opened their store Discount King only a few doors down from one that already existed in Leongatha, Victoria.

The neighbours at Bargain Plus were clearly unimpressed, accusing the newcomers of ‘spying and copying their stock’.

The tense situation was made worse when a video of the disgusting act was shared on Facebook.

Bargain Plus owner Chun Wei didn’t realise that his every step was being watched by CCTV.

Bargain Plus Leongatha
Bargain Plus Leongatha

“A nice big spit on my front window… he didn’t like it too much I guess the last ten weeks have probably been a bit hard for them, Discount King owner Daniel Riccardi told Seven News

“When we noticed it was him it was a bit of a shock”.

Mr Wei was caught on CCTV spitting on his rival's shop front.
Mr Wei was caught on CCTV spitting on his rival's shop front.

It didn’t take long for the video to be shared on Discount King’s Facebook page with the caption ‘caught in the act’.

It’s since been viewed 15,000 times.

Mr Wei has since apologised over the incident.
Mr Wei has since apologised over the incident.

Unfortunately the jealous spat has seemingly lost Mr Wei even more business – former customers who saw the video said they would be avoiding the store in the future.

“I had a look and I was nearly sick,” customer Peter Trease told Seven News.

“Just to see it, it’s shocking. I hate people spitting… even on the footy field.”

Mr Wei’s wife has since penned an apology on his behalf as he doesn’t speak English.

She said he had been under a lot of person and financial stress.

“He is very sorry and remorseful and hopes the two businesses can get past it”.