Attempted carjacking accidentally broadcast on live radio

A woman had called in to talk about her hairpin collection when a man tried to steal her car. Source: Getty

An attempted carjacking was accidentally broadcast on live radio in Queensland on Monday.

The victim had phoned in to David Curnow’s Evening program on 612 ABC Brisbane to talk about her hairpin collection when a man tried to steal her vehicle.

The woman's husband was also in the car.

The caller was in the middle of explaining how she had accumulated the hairpins when she was cut off mid-sentence.

“Are we being cheeky” a man was heard asking.

“No! Who are you?," her husband replied.

A lot of shouting and swearing was then heard in the background before the host cut off the call.

"It just came out of nowhere ... It just suddenly cut in, she stopped talking ... I thought I was getting a crossed line,” Mr Curnow told ABC News.

"We were worried for her but also not sure what had happened. We chased her up. I didn't really know what was going on."

The show's producer spoke to the woman several minutes later to find out if she and her husband were okay.

The woman reportedly said she’d called police and was unharmed.

The intruder fled the scene.

News break - May 28